Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Midterms are over!

Wow, what a hell of a week . . .
It sucks that I wasn't able to do the E.C. and that I couldn't rework my other homework, I'm sure that would've helped my grade out a lot . . .
Ah well, there's always next time, right? Apparently my best is a B+ which is cool with me, although I still wanna strive for an A, especially to make up for the one or two C's I still have.
Anyway, the portrait drawing was stressful, since I've never done one before, and the person I was drawing felt just as nervous. He wouldn't stop moving, either. I think both of us are a little ADD. Anyway though, it turned out ok, although he looks much like a kid. I think I made his head too short and rounder than it was. The background is lacking also, and my line variations didn't turn out very well. I'm practicing doing line variations like Ira, but she's hard to beat :P
The in-class midterm assignment was the main killer this week. I've been stressed about it since I found out last week that we were doing it. I do not work well under time restraints like that, especially in a class room. To focus, I have to be alone. I know my work sucked, but I did my best. Plus, my night vision is horrible, so trying to draw in a dark room means I can't see the edges of objects very well at all.
Anyway, enough complaining. I've seen worse these last couple of weeks: a 15 year old girl surviving cancer and having a fake leg in place of her amputated one. She was very sweet. My friend/professor who is a quadriplegic and recently went through cancer was in the hospital. He was very weak and thinner than usual .. . My mom also went to the hospital because of an infection. She also had cancer . . .
And my doctor's cancer returned. What the hell is going on?! Yeah, I really can't complain about my life . . . I'm such a spoiled brat :P

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