Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Drapery . . .

So for the drapery project, I thought it wouldn't be so difficult, only because I love drawing folds. But this time, I had to do it planar-analysis style, which was a lot harder of course . . . I picked a pretty large thing to drape it over too (my drying rack), so it took up pretty much my whole page. I should've zoomed out more, and I meant to, but I wasn't used to this giant-ass paper. I figured I'd have more room than I did. That was definitely a misjudgment on my part, and I would've erased it and started over if it wasn't in charcoal. I didn't have a lot of paper either, and I thought we were going to use it in class, but apparently I read the wrong day or something. I get confused too easily I think . . .
But I guess it turned out ok, considering I got a better grade on it than my last homework assignments! I was really happy about this. I thought it looked like shit. I know I can do better though, and I'm glad that I have all of spring break to work on it!

I'm so anxious about this Midterm assignment, I hope that I won't completely botch it with my nervousness . . . and I'm probably not going to get much sleep next week, which will most likely add to my inability to draw. I'm excited.

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