Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Midterm suckage

My midterm. I'm planning on revising it. I'm still so bad at line variation! I think when I stress I push harder without thinking. Also, my handwriting's so bad that I press hard so that it's legible so I think that's become a very bad habit. I need to loosen up and do my lines the way Ira does, really subtle then go in with very dark lines but leave the centers still with the light pencil.

Big-Ass Stake

For Jason lol

Monday, March 29, 2010

blind drawing . . .

So I forgot to blog about it last night, but my blind contours went okay yesterday. I somehow managed to do it between writing a paper and getting ready for work and making dinner . . . but personally I think it came out okay. I did the first charcoal blind contour 4 times before I decided I liked the last one. the composition always would go towards the right of the paper since I'm lefthanded, so the whole left side would be white. At the last try I managed to get it right though and my others seemed to turn out ok . . . now to class :P

Friday, March 19, 2010

On the Long Ride Home . . .

So tonight's the last of my trip to visit my parents. It seems so short, especially when most of the time I had to do homework . . . I hate that especially when my mom wants to do things with me and we end up sitting around the TV while I'm doing research for IPC on the computer, or in the garage making my wood geometric for 3-D design, or drawing, which I did tonight. But, I'm glad I could at least see them. I got to take my mom to the doctor twice so my dad didn't have to take off work like he usually does. I also got to spend time with him on his birthday, which was the day after st. patty's day. It was a lot of fun, I just wish that I could've relaxed and done more with them. I know my mom was really disappointed. She kept asking what kind of a break this was if I was always doing homework. Well, it's a break from always working and going to school . . .
Anyway though, enough complaining. I hope that I can come here in the summer and actually relax next time around. In the meantime, I've been sketching crappy pictures and today I finally got to work on my drawing homework. I couldn't get the materials until about two days ago, and yesterday we were out all day, so I couldn't start on it until this afternoon. Hopefully, I can finish it tomorrow morning before we leave. I pretty much packed everything already. I just hope that I can bring this on the plane . . .

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Midterms are over!

Wow, what a hell of a week . . .
It sucks that I wasn't able to do the E.C. and that I couldn't rework my other homework, I'm sure that would've helped my grade out a lot . . .
Ah well, there's always next time, right? Apparently my best is a B+ which is cool with me, although I still wanna strive for an A, especially to make up for the one or two C's I still have.
Anyway, the portrait drawing was stressful, since I've never done one before, and the person I was drawing felt just as nervous. He wouldn't stop moving, either. I think both of us are a little ADD. Anyway though, it turned out ok, although he looks much like a kid. I think I made his head too short and rounder than it was. The background is lacking also, and my line variations didn't turn out very well. I'm practicing doing line variations like Ira, but she's hard to beat :P
The in-class midterm assignment was the main killer this week. I've been stressed about it since I found out last week that we were doing it. I do not work well under time restraints like that, especially in a class room. To focus, I have to be alone. I know my work sucked, but I did my best. Plus, my night vision is horrible, so trying to draw in a dark room means I can't see the edges of objects very well at all.
Anyway, enough complaining. I've seen worse these last couple of weeks: a 15 year old girl surviving cancer and having a fake leg in place of her amputated one. She was very sweet. My friend/professor who is a quadriplegic and recently went through cancer was in the hospital. He was very weak and thinner than usual .. . My mom also went to the hospital because of an infection. She also had cancer . . .
And my doctor's cancer returned. What the hell is going on?! Yeah, I really can't complain about my life . . . I'm such a spoiled brat :P

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Midterms and other stressful stuff . . .

So I'm both excited and anxious about our homework assignment. We're supposed to draw a planar analysis of someone's face. We haven't even drawn people yet! And now I have to planar analyze them . . . plus fixing my old drawing, plus worrying about midterms . . . next week=no sleep for me! However, I can't exactly do my in-class final for this class with no sleep, so I'm not too sure how that's going to pan out ... Ah well, I can't complain all the time, right?
On a better note, I'm glad I'm finally going to learn how to draw people the correct way! I had sucky teachers in high school, so I never had anyone actually teach me how to draw things, let alone people. I think it's going to be fun, really, although using charcoal on giant-ass paper is going to be hell. I'll do my best, that's all I can do.
See you all next week and thanks for tuning in ^.-

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Drapery . . .

So for the drapery project, I thought it wouldn't be so difficult, only because I love drawing folds. But this time, I had to do it planar-analysis style, which was a lot harder of course . . . I picked a pretty large thing to drape it over too (my drying rack), so it took up pretty much my whole page. I should've zoomed out more, and I meant to, but I wasn't used to this giant-ass paper. I figured I'd have more room than I did. That was definitely a misjudgment on my part, and I would've erased it and started over if it wasn't in charcoal. I didn't have a lot of paper either, and I thought we were going to use it in class, but apparently I read the wrong day or something. I get confused too easily I think . . .
But I guess it turned out ok, considering I got a better grade on it than my last homework assignments! I was really happy about this. I thought it looked like shit. I know I can do better though, and I'm glad that I have all of spring break to work on it!

I'm so anxious about this Midterm assignment, I hope that I won't completely botch it with my nervousness . . . and I'm probably not going to get much sleep next week, which will most likely add to my inability to draw. I'm excited.