Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More perspectives, and some pretty cool images

Ok since I've never had a blog before, I hope this comes out right. I'm not really sure how to post images so here goes . . .

One point perspective:

This is interesting because it shows the perspective from different levels, high low and medium.

Here is another from one-point perspective, only filled in:

I like this one a lot! It's really cool, I want to make something like this eventually.

Here is two-point:

This one shows it from both top and bottom. Pretty simple.

Here's another:
This one's really detailed. I love the shading.

And last, here is the three-point:

I love this 3-D effect and can't wait to start on this!

And last here is a 3 point perspective image:

Pretty awesome, that's all I have to say :P
Man I'd really love to make something that complex.

Well, about the things we did in our sketchbooks, it wasn't hard really, I just need more practice. It was fun doing the lines, though. I hope class today is alright.

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