Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ummmm . . . drawing and such

So for our first assignment in drawing, I practiced with light and dark by pressing harder or softer on my pencil. I also tried different strokes with the 6B compared to the 4B. I noticed that with the 6B, the lines tended to be thicker. the 4B had more defined lines, and it was easy to make it darker. It was easier to make light lines with the 6B pencil than the 4B. I also alternated within the lines between light and dark. I attempted to create patterns with it, making it lighter in the middle and ascending the lighter part until the whole line was completely light, and vice versa. I did some fast strokes, which were harder to do closer together, and then slow smooth lines, both light and dark. It was fun going faster, but obviously more precise when I drew the lines slower.
On a different note, this class seems like it'll be fun, I love the music and I love listening to music when I draw. I have a hard time drawing without music since I tend to focus more on the little noises. Music puts me in another place where I am able to concentrate better. I'm pretty anxious about this class, since I haven't really ever had a formal drawing class before. Unfortunately I went to tiny private schools in high school, and my other college was also small so they didn't even offer drawing as a class. I feel really behind, but I know if I put a lot of effort into it, I'll be able to do this. I'm excited to learn about perspectives, since I understand them but haven't practiced them a lot. I was only taught about them briefly and haven't used them very much in my own work, like I should. I tried working with perspective some on my own, but kind of forgot a lot of the rules. . . so I'm glad we're going to get into it soon.
More on perspectives later . . . ^.-

1 comment:

  1. Im still trying to figure out this blog stuff, but I just wanted to let you know that I am following you now!!! =D

    I feel ya on the music and I am a little concerned about this class too!!!
