Thursday, February 11, 2010

a perspective on perspectives . . .

Snow day!
I was so happy that I had all of Monday to work on homework. I can't believe I was still so behind though, I slept for 1.5 hours on Tuesday night trying to finish my 3-D design homework . . . blah >.<

Anyway though, I got to spend a lot of time on my 2-point perspective homework which was great! I have a problem getting my lines darker, and for some reason I thought it was okay if we used charcoal, but apparently I was wrong . . . so next time I guess I'll use a really really light pencil then go over the parts I want to make darker with the 4B. I had problems with the perspective, and was fighting with myself over what I saw and how to put it into 2-point rather than draw it how I saw it. I also tried to fill my background in on the right side. That was very difficult for me, especially the ceiling above the kitchen and above the front door. I wasn't sure how to place those . . . The counter also didn't seem to have a bottom, because if I made it have one, it appeared really really long, when it was much shorter. I guess I should've just shortened the width of it, that would've made more sense.

This intuitive perspective has got me, too. I'm very bad at that. My eyes are bad, anyways, and I'm not good at judging distance. Oh well, I can do this, right? :P


  1. Hey! Don't give up!! You really can do it! I think your 2 point perspective drawing was really good, personally I liked it, and counter was a hard element to draw anyway.. I'm feeling so relaxed about this weekend with no major drawing homework for Monday!! Hope you have time to rest and sleep too!

  2. This is good analysis! Breaking down your work and figuring out where the successes and failures are, and considering ways of addressing them, is exactly what being an artist--a problem solver--is all about. Good job.

  3. Thanks guys! I'll try and do much better with this drapery assignment, I'm kinda worried about it .. .
    Ira you're great ^-^
